Puluhan lelaki pengunjung taman tema air di Hanoi, Vietnam tiba-tiba bertindak ganas terhadap Pengunjung Wanita Dengan Me@$()%n, Tak Sangka Negara Maju Macam Tu Pun Mentality Begitu……

Puluhan lelaki pengunjung taman tema air di Hanoi, Vietnam tiba-tiba bertindak ganas.
Gadis-gadis berusia 20-an tahun menjadi korban gangguan seksual. Mereka ditelanjangi secara beramai-ramai.
Peristiwa ini bermula ketika pemilik taman tema air ini menawarkan kemasukan percuma ke dalam taman tersebut. Akibatnya, pengunjung mula berpusu-pusu hadir.
Walaupun dimaklumkan taman tersebut telah penuh, pengunjung masih terus masuk, bahkan ada yang memanjat pagar.
Kekacauan mula terjadi apabila pngunjung yang didominasi lelaki mengambil kesempatan atas keriuhan itu untuk menyerang gadis-gadis pengunjung.
Mereka juga meraba anggota tubuh gadis yang mengenakan bikini.
Hampir 20 gadis menjadi korban aksi cabul tersebut. Sebagian daripada mangsa juga mengalami serangan fizikal, kepala mereka dihenyak ke dalam kolam untuk ditenggelamkan.
Suasana makin parah tak terkawal, pengunjung laki-laki menarik bikini pengunjung perempuan. Mangsa hanya mampu menjerit ketakutan, ada yang menangis hingga pengsan. Lebih malang, tak ada yang berusaha menolong gadis-gadis malang itu.
Salah seorang mangsa menceritakan pengalamannya dicabul:
#1: We were holding onto the swim ring at the lazy river for about 3 minutes. Then we heard a commotion at the back, as we turned around we saw hundreds of boys crowded the whole river, screaming and going towards the three of us. I was shock and choked on water, many arms pushed my head down. I felt my breast and my private area being grab and pull and scratch very painful, my butt was groped too. My bikini top was pull up to my neck and the bottom was pull till my knee. Even though i was choking, but i felt clearly someone was fingering me, my legs was spread apart. My head was still pressed down, I was out of breath and I thought I was going to drown. The water go up my nose to my brain, my throat. Those arms scratch and pull me up, my head hit the coping. Then there was people grab my hair, my arm to pull out of the swimming pool. I was coughing really hard so I didn’t even realize I was completely naked…

#2: I was swimming in the lazy river with my friends. Behind us, all the boys kept splashing water like crazy, we were so freak out that all of us decided to go out of the river. As we just got out, one of my friend, who were still near the river, were pulled down and dragged to the centre of the river and was being splashed water and her head was pressed down. We saw our friend being surrounded by bunches of guys, we kept crying and called out: please help my friend, someone please help my friend. Around us, people kept on using phone to record and laugh like they were at the circus.

#3: My sister went with her friends. When they came back, they were crying their eyes out. Their necks, shoulders and thighs are full of scratches and bruises.

#4: It was too crowded so my boyfriend and I just played near the swimming pool coping. Suddenly I saw on my boyfriend head some milky fluid, when I touched, it was slippery and a bit thick. I dragged my boyfriend out of the pool immediately and asked him to wash his hair and we went home right after. Those animals masturbated in the swimming pool.


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